California Services
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Supported Living Services (SLS) are designed to assist people with relocating to (if applicable) and residing in their own homes—as independently as possible. SLS is an individualized service that is tailored to accommodate peoples’ presenting needs. Supported Living Services offers people a moderate to intensive level of service (up to 24/7 support).
Supported Living Services supports include (but are not limited to): housing search, self-advocacy, meal-preparation, shopping, money management/financial wellness, emergency preparedness, medication awareness, mobility training (use of transportation), recreation and leisure, personal care, health and safety practices, 24-hour emergency response, and activities of daily living (ADLs).
Independent Living Services (ILS)
Independent Living Services (ILS) is an individualized service that is tailored to accommodate peoples’ presenting needs and develop skills for becoming increasingly independent and self-sufficient. Independent Living Services offers people a mild to moderate level of service.
Independent Living Services supports include (but are not limited to): self-advocacy, medication awareness, mobility training (use of transportation), meal-preparation, money management/financial wellness, health and safety practices, emergency preparedness, and personal care.
Personal Assistance Services (PAS)
Personal Assistance Services (PAS) are designed to assist people with maintaining activities of daily living (ADLs)—dependent upon the individual’s presenting needs. PAS is a service that does not include or involve any form of training, coaching, or instruction. The primary objective of this services is to maintain each individual’s existing practices, routines, and schedules with specific attention to preserving their health and safety in any tasks, responsibilities, or activities that individuals engage in.
Personal Assistance Services supports include (but are not limited to): personal care, medication awareness, cleaning, meal-preparation, household chores, money management/financial wellness, and shopping.
Coordinated Family Services (CFS)
Coordinated Family Services (CFS) is designed for adults who choose to reside with their families or loved ones. CFS is tailored, individualized, and flexible to meet the changing needs and preferences of the individual receiving services—along with their family members and/or loved ones. CFS supports are provided in a manner that demonstrates responsiveness and sensitivity to: cultural/ethnic diversity and the linguistic preferences of the individual/families/loved ones. Coordinated Family Services is designed to help adults (receiving regional center services) and their families/loved ones with coordinating necessary services and supports. This will equally help service recipients and families/loved ones learn how to access available generic resources that they may qualify for.
Coordinated Family Services(CFS) supports include (but are not limited to): future-planning, identifying transportation resources, establishing a network of service providers to assist in times of need and/or during urgent/emergency circumstances, connecting individuals to self-advocacy groups, establishing employment and/or volunteering opportunities, and identifying opportunities for socialization or peer interaction.
Behavioral and Judicially-Involved Services
These services are designed for people with forensic and/or judicially-involved backgrounds, increased displays of behavioral distress (e.g. aggression, violence, etc.), and/or moderate to severe mental health needs. As a means to enhance our responsiveness to these needs, Modern Support Services focuses on identifying, hiring, and training professionals with specialized experience and certification. Behavioral and Judicially-Involved Services offers people a moderate to intensive level of service (up to 24/7 support and 2:1 ratio of supervision).
Behavioral and Judicially-Involved services include (but are not limited to): developing skills for self-regulation and decision-making, establishing social/volunteer/vocational opportunities, community inclusion and participation, establishing a circle of ongoing mental health support, enhancing health and safety practices, fulfilling all court requirements and follow-up (if applicable), improving socialization skills and interpersonal communication, providing 24-hour emergency response (as needed), and all other areas of need—to assist with residing independently.
Post-Secondary Education
Post-secondary educational services are designed to help guide a student through the college/higher education experience as a means to enhance their success in pursuing the identified academic/educational goals. Post-secondary educational services are tailored to accommodate peoples’ presenting needs.
Post-secondary educational services include (but are not limited to): developing a plan that identifies both academic and biopsychosocial needs while on-campus, identifying and establishing trusted people who are able to provide natural support while on-campus, training regarding time-management and organization, support with accessing campus services and resources, note-taking/record-keeping, and support with networking and fostering beneficial (helpful) relationships with others.